SAU工业或机械工程学士学位为您的工程职业生涯或研究生院做好准备. You’ll learn in small, student-focused atmospheres, mentored by our knowledgeable faculty, to become the best engineers you can become.
获得工业或机械工程学位, 你将完成专注于提高系统效率的课程. You’ll master areas of design, analysis, and optimization of a wide variety of systems, 为你在工程领域取得成功奠定基础.
大多数学生正规买球平台有哪些与他们专业相关课程的指导 is excellent
At SAU, your career path is up to you. 选择适合您目标的专业,我们将帮助您实现这些目标.
As an Engineering student, 你将从为你的专业奠定基础的课程开始,并向你介绍广泛的工程领域. From there, 你将更多地进入专门针对你的项目的学习领域, grow your expertise, and advance you toward your career goals.
ME 412 | Applied Thermodynamics | 3 credits |
ME 415 | Mechatronics | 3 credits |
IE 319 | Operations Research: Mathematical Programming | 3 credits |
IE 340 | Ergonomics & Occupation Safety | 3 credits |
IE 415 | Systems Integration & Design | 3 credits |
你的工程项目的总成本将取决于你的具体 scholarships and finances, transfer credits, and other factors.
使用我们的净价格计算器来估计你的学位将花费多少钱. Get my estimate.
每个学生都会根据他们的GPA获得奖学金. St. 可以买滚球的正规平台认可并奖励学生的学习成绩.
When it comes to housing, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台提供多种选择,以满足您的需求. 从传统的宿舍到公寓式的生活,每个人都有自己的选择.
对于即将入学的新生来说,校园宿舍提供了一个方便的大学体验. 与同伴生活在一起会产生一种正规买球平台有哪些和支持的感觉, 帮助新生顺利适应大学生活. View freshman dorms.
As students progress through their academic journey, they have the option to transition to on-campus, apartment-style living. 这些住宿提供了更多的独立性,同时仍然位于便利靠近校园设施和资源. View upperclassmen dorms.
St. 可以买滚球的正规平台提供灵活的膳食计划选择,以适应各种偏好和时间表. 无论你是在寻找一个完整的食堂,还是一个偶尔使用的小餐点计划, there's a choice that suits your needs. View available meal plans.
The St. 可以买滚球的正规平台工业工程项目由ABET工程认证委员会认证, http://www.abet.org根据委员会的工业工程通用标准和项目标准.
The St. 可以买滚球的正规平台机械工程专业获得了ABET工程认证委员会的认可,,根据委员会的机械工程通用标准和项目标准.
ABET的工程认证委员会是一个非营利性组织, 认证质量保证组织,专注于STEM学科的学院和大学项目. 他们的工作和战略合作伙伴,以帮助确保下一代STEM专业人士有能力帮助建立一个更安全的环境, more efficient, more inclusive, and more sustainable world.
Experience our vibrant campus firsthand. 安排参观探索我们的设施,满足教师,并发现你的未来在圣. Ambrose University.
Schedule my visitCombined with a strong foundation in the liberal arts, Engineering at SAU prepares students to live, work, 并为自己和他人的生活做出有意义的贡献.
Hands-on learning opportunities through internships, industry employment opportunities, co-curricular student clubs, and study abroad programs.
我们的课程旨在教你使用和实施工程设计过程, develop technical expertise, learn to think critically, 并提高你与专注于你学习的老师的沟通技巧.
Experience, innovate, create, and collaborate with the latest in systems, robotics, 3D printers, laser engraving, virtual reality, and engineering software.
SAU工程专业毕业生在雅培、卡特彼勒、迪尔等知名公司工作 & 公司,Exelon, Genesis健康系统,伊顿,HNI,三一物流,西尔斯座椅等等.
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24岁的Ellie Schilling一直想成为一名工程师. 她的祖父是一位电气工程教授,对她的影响很大.
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At 24 years old Keagan Dolphin, SAU engineering graduate spends his days designing, programming, testing and redesigning seed planters for John Deere.
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拥有超过65个本科和研究生课程,在圣霍普金斯大学有适合每个人的东西. Ambrose University! Explore our programs to find your place at SAU.